Design the Life You Want
Article from the October 2017 issue of Natural Awakenings, Columbia SC
Cohn Life Coaching: Design the Life You Want
Debbie Cohn is a qualified professional with extensive experience as a therapist and life coach specializing in numerous areas of skilled coaching, such as relationships, life and personal, grief and bereavement, midlife challenges, and leadership. Cohn believes that an individual’s personal and professional potential can be unlocked through the life coach experience—utilizing the tools, insight and guidance to reach set goals, acquire wants, and fulfill one’s vision and desires.
States Cohn: “The life coach experience can improve your life by moving you beyond self-imposed limitations, helping you to realize your full potential. Individuals learn to tap into strengths to maximize success. Adds Cohn: “The real art of life is in the balancing—living in the present with an ability to focus on the future. Often, people need to be reminded that we create our own lives through our beliefs, intentions, courage and ability to link our desires to our actions. Life coaching can help you find that balance, and it works! You are the expert in your own life. If you want to unlock your potential and focus on your future, have better relationships and be more creative, contact me today!”
Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation. For convenience, scheduled coaching sessions can be conducted via video chat, over the phone, or in person by appointment. To schedule a consultation, email Debbie Cohn at For more information, visit
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